1. Answer these questions about the computer you are using. Thencompare your answers with a partner.
1. What brand is your computer? It's powered by ASUS2. What is the operating system of your computer? WINDOWS
3. Which web browser(s) does your computer use?BING
4. How many buttons are there on your mouse?2
5. Does your computer have a CD-ROM drive? And a DVD-drive? AndUSB drives?yes, yes, yes
6. Find these keys on your keyboard. Check each key as you find it and write the symbol next to its name
Return (enter) Retrocedeixi (enter)
Spacebar barra d'espai
shift canvi
Tab lengüeta
Delete esborrar
Control control
Escape escapament
period or dot: .
comma: ,
colon: ;
right parèntesis: )
slash: /
at symbol: @
a list of computers operations: menu
a box in the screen that shows info: window
a small picture of symbol: icon
text or other data stored together with a special name: file
software for creating text files: word processor
press or release the button on the mouse:click
a little arrow on the screen that moves if you move the mouse: cursor
select text/images with the mouse: highlight
Good! Just change the size of text to make it bigger.